These are a few of the services we provide to our members. These services are provided to our members as part of their union dues. There is no additional charge to our members for assistance.
Advice when you need it
If you have problems in the workplace phone us toll-free or send us an email.
Collective agreement interpretation and enforcement
GSU works hard to enforce the rights and benefits in your collective agreement and ensure that it reflects the needs of all GSU members.
Collective bargaining and negotiation support
The GSU’s goal is to expand on and improve the collective agreement through effective collective bargaining with employers.
Employment termination representation
GSU will assist you to ensure that you have been treated fairly under the terms of the collective agreement and pursue reinstatement on your behalf. GSU can also help you negotiate the terms of your severance with your employer if your employment is terminated.
Workplace complaints and grievance representation
GSU can advocate on your behalf, whether it’s with company management, insurance companies, or government agencies like EI and workers’ comp.
GSU staff reps can provide additional assistance you may need regarding layoff or any other employment insurance claim. We can even help you with EI appeals.
Workers compensation
GSU can assist you with Workers’ Compensation Board appeals or other problems with your claim.
Retirement and pension benefits
If you are considering retirement and interested in learning what the commuted value of your pension benefit is, call the GSU office. We will calculate a commuted value estimate and explain the available benefits and entitlements you are eligible for as a member of your bargaining unit.
Advocate on your behalf
When you request, we will represent you at meetings with management (such as during cases of dismissal and discipline), talk to workers’ compensation agents, and represent you at grievances and arbitrations.
GSU is there when you need backup. We will check into your situation, gather the relevant facts and documents, and help you make your case.