All contact information

Do you need help with an issue in your workplace?
Talk to a GSU representative.
All calls are strictly confidential. GSU does not subscribe to call display.

Call GSU toll-free: 1.866.522.6686 (Regina) or 1.855.384.7314 (Saskatoon).
For Local calls in Regina phone 306.522.6686, or in Saskatoon phone 306.384.7314.

GSU email

GSU – Regina Office
2334 McIntyre Street, Regina, SK Canada  S4P 2S2
Phone (local)  306.522.6686
Toll-free 1.866.522.6686
Fax  306.565.3430

GSU- Saskatoon office
2154 Airport Drive, Saskatoon, SK Canada  S7L 6M6
Phone (local) 306.384.7314
Toll-free 1.855.384.7314
Fax  306.384.1006

Hugh Wagner, general secretary (Regina)
Phone 306.522.6686, ext. 229
Cell/Text 306.536.3414

Lynn Woods-Nordin, assistant general secretary (Regina)
Phone 306.522.6686, ext. 231
Cell/Text 306.535.7133

Lawrence Maier, staff representative (Regina)
Phone 306.522.6686, ext. 227
Cell 306.536.8826

Dale Markling, staff representative (Saskatoon)
Phone 306.384.7314
Cell/Text 306.229.9299

Steve Torgerson, staff representative (Regina)
Phone 306.522.6686, ext. 226
Cell/Text 306.529.5925